Current state and problems of additional education development
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-17-24
This article examines the increasing role of supplementary education, its demand among consumers and customers. It contains a brief analysis of the education market in Russia and the world, taking into account the development of the educational technology market. The segments of private and public education, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The current state, regulatory changes in the field of supplementary education, the system of preparation of teachers of supplementary education for the implementation of labor functions, were studied with regard to the implementation of professional standards. The analysis of Russian and foreign literature on supplementary education teachers’ training, competence development, quality assessment, etc. was carried out. The analysis highlights a number of problems concerning the preparation of supplementary education specialists for professional implementation of labor functions at a high level, and these problems have not been addressed by modern scientists. Among the identified problems are the lack of prospects for the emergence of a sufficient number of qualified additional education specialists in the regions of Russia, low qualification of teachers and management of educational organizations, low technological literacy of teachers, the gap between the public and private segments of the education market, the obsolescence of traditional teaching formats, low motivation for change and development, burnout among employees of educational organizations, etc.
Keywords: additional education, training of additional education teachers, professional standard, competence of additional education teachers, educational technologies, education market
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 17 — 24
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