Application of the “action research” method in the framework of the study of the phenomenon of multiliteracy
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-25-31
The practice of applying the method of research in action (action research) in solving research problems is considered. Based on the history of the emergence and development of the method of research in action, the analysis of the practices of its application in scientific works, a description of the method was formed, as well as the principles of its application, which can be guided in conducting pedagogical research. The method has become widespread in English-language studies, as well as the phenomenon of multiliteracy, however, based on a search among many scientific sources in open resources, it is rarely used in the context of pedagogical research in Russian discourse. The use of the method of research in action in the study of the phenomenon of multiliteracy as an integrative personal characteristic necessary for interacting with a text of a new nature is substantiated. Using the presented method, the skills of a multiliterate person, which are formed during the development of the corresponding online course, are described. As part of the application of the method, the study of the practice of mastering multiliteracy as a new phenomenon for the Russian-speaking pedagogical discourse with relevant data was supplemented, and the most complete picture of all stages of its implementation was obtained. The stage of the dissertation research described in the article made it possible to solve one of the tasks set in it. The author cites not only the benefits of using the research method in action, but also the risks that may arise. The application of this method makes it possible to analyze the practical actions leading to the formation of the scientific provisions of pedagogical research and to contribute to the methodology of pedagogy.
Keywords: action research, multiliteracy, multiliterate person, online course, multiliteracy skills, new nature text
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 25 — 31
Downloads: 392