Individual educational trajectory as a factor in student training in the direction of “Choreographic Art”
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-47-53
The article discusses the basic principles of the organization of methods and techniques for building an individual trajectory of education in the process of preparing a choreographer student in the direction 52.03.01 “Choreographic art”. The authors focus on the actualization of this problem in the context of graduate training in artistic specialties at the University of culture. The angle of consideration of this problem is determined by the personalistic approach as a way of centered interaction between a teacher and a student, which is based on partnership determined by building an individual trajectory of student development in the context of the educational environment of the university. The individual trajectory of education is understood by the authors as a step-by-step process of movement projected by the department from the goals to the results of mastering professional competencies and the formation of a graduate’s personality as a subject of artistic, creative and pedagogical activity determined by the motivation for further independent growth. According to the authors, the educational environment of the University of culture should be formed as meeting the strategy of student-centricity – the defining vector of training in the areas of artistic profile. The features of achieving professional goals and objectives of the educational program “Choreographic art”, orientation (profile) “Pedagogy of modern dance” are revealed: pedagogical, creative and performing, choreographic and staged. The principles of designing and implementing an individual trajectory of education in this direction are formulated.
Keywords: student-centered, personality-oriented approach, choreographic education, modern dance, individual development trajectory, personal and professional growth, professional environment, employer
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 47 — 53
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