Gradual exercises aimed at the formation of ethnocultural competence in teaching proverbs to vietnamese students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-65-72
The author highlights the importance of incorporating ethnocultural components in teaching Russian as a foreign language, especially in the context of globalization, and emphasizes that acquiring ethnocultural competence is one of the primary objectives of foreign language teaching. The author examines the concept of “ethnic culture” in the field of education and categorizes ethnocultural components, such as the culture of communication, behavior, history, lifestyle, traditions, customs, and holidays. Furthermore, the author proposes two approaches to define the concept of “ethnocultural competence”: from the perspective of students and from the perspective of teachers. The author also emphasizes the significance of anticipating factors and types of exercises that should be considered before designing gradual exercises, as well as criteria for assessing students’ levels of ethnocultural competence. The author outlines the principles of developing exercises that aim to form the ethnocultural competence of Vietnamese students while teaching proverbs containing ethnocultural components. These principles include a gradual transition from the initial to the final stages, a gradual increase in the complexity of exercises, and a sequential approach. Using these principles, the author describes the didactic materials that exemplify the exercises built on the presented principles. The author suggests that gradual exercises aim to form ethnocultural competence have a great teaching potential.
Keywords: ethnocultural approach, ethnocultural competence, gradual exercises, proverb with an ethnocultural component, Vietnamese audience
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 65 — 72
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