The influence of socio-cultural and scientific-pedagogical factors on the development of approaches to teaching foreign languages in the late XX – early XXI century
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-73-78
At the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI century, significant changes are taking place in the domestic language education, which led to a revision of the entire system of teaching foreign languages at all levels of education. Socio-cultural and scientific-pedagogical factors served as a kind of trigger for the modernization and development of approaches to the study of foreign languages. Against the background of rapidly expanding international cooperation in the 1990s, the pedagogical community focused its attention on the development of new approaches to language teaching. A detailed study of the influence of socio-cultural and scientific-pedagogical factors on the development of approaches to teaching foreign languages has been carried out. Concrete examples of the expansion and expansion of intercultural relations between Russia and Western countries after the collapse of the USSR are given. It is stated that rapidly developing international cooperation required people who speak foreign languages. Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific works of teachers, linguists and methodologists, the key ideas of communicative and culturological approaches to teaching foreign languages are characterized. It is concluded that communicative and culturological approaches to the study of foreign languages were designed to optimally promote their rapid assimilation, the development of communicative competence, the acquisition of communication skills with representatives of other countries, the comprehension of the culture of other peoples for productive interaction in various fields of human activity.
Keywords: approach to teaching, foreign languages, communicative competence, socio-cultural factors, scientific and pedagogical factors
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 73 — 78
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