Optimization of didactic communication of a physical education and sports teacher in the context of digital transformation of education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-90-98
The issue of developing a technology for optimizing the resource component of the professional and personal development of a specialist in physical education, which have been updated in connection with digitalization trends in the educational system, is considered. The characteristic of didactic communication in the form of transmission and reception of information between the subjects of the educational and training process, the characteristics of the assimilation of knowledge, motor skills, skills and the formation of a healthy lifestyle are given. The specificity of communication in physical culture and sports classes in the conditions of digital transformation is revealed, which brings changes in the subjects of education at the personal, professional-group and socio-cultural levels. On the part of the teacher of physical culture, this is manifested in the constant updating of their knowledge, tracking changes in the educational needs of students over time, mastering the skills of persuasion, demonstrating their attitude to a healthy lifestyle and physical activity as a factor in the effective life support of a modern member of society. The effective tools of online and offline interaction, didactic content of the educational and training process, which contribute to increasing the level of physical development and physical fitness, the attitude of students to physical activity and interest in classes as a component of the cultural development of students, are described.
Keywords: digitalization of education, physical culture and sports, optimization, teacher of physical education, didactic communication, professional and personal development
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 90 — 98
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