Approaches to building communication and interaction with modern children in the context of ensuring their psychological safety
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-133-140
The relevance lies in identifying new challenges and threats related to the problem of organizing pedagogical communication and educational interaction with children of generation Z. The novelty lies in the fact that the problem of ensuring the psychological security of the individual in the educational environment is viewed from the perspective of two approaches: age-psychological and information-pedagogical. The first of them is associated with taking into account the peculiarities of the Z-generation when building communication and educational interaction with them, the second involves the specification of the use of digital technologies in the educational environment, taking into account the risks and threats that may arise when using them. The traditional general psychological patterns of teaching, development, and education of schoolchildren are being revised in the context of the need to take into account the features of the digital generation and modern conditions for the implementation of the educational process. The importance of increasing the authority of the teacher, the development of his demanded pedagogical abilities, the formation of value relations to children, profession, himself as a constantly developing personality and professional is emphasized. The identified risks and threats constitute a special layer of the educational work of a modern teacher in the context of ensuring the psychological safety of students both in the educational process and beyond.
Keywords: psychological security, educational environment, digitalization in education, threats and risks, pedagogical communication, educational interaction, pedagogical abilities, value relations of teachers
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 133 — 140
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