Leveling the negative manifestations of narcissism in students by the method of jungian sand therapy
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-141-148
In recent decades, there has been an increase in the destructive influence of narcissistic patterns on the life of modern society. Such phenomena as selfishness, pride, and skepticism are promoted in social networks and advertising and offer a new model of behavior. More and more people are striving to improve various aspects of their lives – from their own body to family and business. However, the desire for excellence and success can lead to bitter disappointment and dissatisfaction. This article is devoted to the issue of leveling the negative manifestations of narcissism by the method of Jungian sand therapy, since in practice there is a lack of methodological developments to help people with narcissistic manifestations that have not reached the clinical level. The purpose of the study: to test a training program for leveling the negative manifestations of narcissism among students using the Jungian sand therapy. The training program developed by us is dedicated to the transformation of narcissism based on sand therapy and is a synthesis of Carl Jung’s ideas and personal experience of using art therapy. Such work is based on the creation of artistic images from various materials: stones, sand, water, etc. The technology for implementing the training program included the following forms of work: psychodiagnostics, mini-lecture, express survey, workshop, amplification, individual counseling, group training. Analysis of the results of the study confirms a positive trend in the transformation of narcissistic manifestations and can be recommended for use in psychological practice to help people with manifestations of narcissism.
Keywords: narcissism, Jungian sand therapy, gender identity
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 141 — 148
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