Methodological aspects of overcoming difficulties in mastering grammar by junior schoolchildren
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-17-25
The problem of using graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons is considered. The history of the development of techniques of working with text is described. The legal documents have been studied, which determine the importance of the formation of students’ skills to work with the text, including its graphical representation. The content of school geography textbooks is analyzed for the presence of tasks on working with graphic material in them. The graphic techniques of working with text (“Summary of paraphrases”, “Main thoughts. Terms and concepts. Questions on the topic”, “Denotational graph”, “Venn rings”, “Fishbone”, “Cluster”, “Logical reference notes”, “Mental map”) are described based on the material of different courses of school geography, with examples of tasks performed by pupils. The results of the survey of students on the assimilation of educational material through the graphical representation of the text are analyzed. It is concluded that the use of graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons contributes to a deeper understanding of it, the development of imagination, the ability to systematize and classify, and to identify cause-and-effect relationships. The purpose of the article is to describe graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons. The conducted survey of pupils shows interest in these techniques. The results are expressed in the justification of the need to develop students’ skills of the graphic representation of the educational text and introduce it into the educational practice of educational organizations.
Keywords: functional literacy, semantic reading, graphic techniques of working with text, logical reference notes, universal learning activities, critical thinking development technology
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 17 — 25
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