Pedagogical design as a way to enhance the learning process
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-113-121
The use of new digital tools in education requires a revision of pedagogical approaches and developing of new academic programs. The article discusses the most important direction of Russian education, its features and degrees of digitalization to transform learning process. The raised question is about finding new ways of organizing pedagogical practice. One of these ways is pedagogical design that allows creating educational products to improve the quality. The author analyzes the experience of using pedagogical design in Russian and foreign universities. The definition if classified as a process, a branch of scientific knowledge and technology by various authors in the pedagogical literature. The author deduces the definition of pedagogical design as an innovative way to design educational programs and courses. The lists of model and features are emphasizes to be paid attention to by the developers of programs and courses. In addition, the article notes the basic principles for creating competitive educational programs and courses in the context of the modern educational paradigm. The potential of pedagogical design is revealed in modern conditions of educational digitalization. An analysis is made of the students’ learning activities, corresponding to the nine steps of R. Gagne’s learning and their combinations when building a training course. Examples are given on the material of the training course “Foreign Language” for students majoring in Law. In conclusion the author highlights the role of pedagogical design as a major factor to organize successful teaching and learning.
Keywords: digital transformation, education process, pedagogical design, pedagogical models, designing, learning activities
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 113 — 121
Downloads: 534