The specifics of avoiding behavior of students in various situations
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-122-128
The article aims to present the results of the study of the characteristics of the avoidance strategy as a coping behaviour, as a way of resolving conflicts, and as a model of decision making. The battery of tests includes the Amirkhan dominant Coping Strategies Identification test (CSI), the Thomas-Kilmann test of predisposition to conflict behaviour (TKI), the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire test (MDMQ), D.A. Leontiev Life-purpose orientations test (LPO). Sample size was n=70. Testing was conducted simultaneously among two groups of male students receiving a legal education. The first group consisted of 18-year-old students of 1-2 years of study (n=34). The second group consisted of 22-year-old students of 4-5 years of study (n=36). It was found that 22-year-old students are more prone to es-cape stressful situations. However, they are less inclined to an avoidance strategy in conflicts-to-avoiding when choosing in uncertain situations. At the same time, they demonstrate a greater degree of flexibility of behaviour in stressful, conflict situations and when choosing in conditions of uncertainty, as well as greater comprehension of the system of life goals than 18-year-old students. According to the authors of the article, this is due to the high level of development of the image of the professional world due to the higher level of mastering the chosen profession among 22-year-old students completing their studies, compared to their younger colleagues just starting vocational training.
Keywords: avoidance, coping strategy, conflict behaviour, decision making, life-purpose orientation
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 122 — 128
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