Features of the development of emotional burnout among teachers of preschool educational institutions
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-129-139
The article deals with the phenomenon of “emotional burnout”, the relevance of the study of which remains in the conditions of modern education. Definitions of this concept formulated by various authors are given. Various factorial and procedural models of burnout development are presented. The symptoms of burnout at different stages of its development are described. The description of the factors of the development of burnout syndrome identified in various psychological studies is given. Specific factors of burnout development depending on professional activity are highlighted. The reasons for the development of burnout among teachers of schools, preschool educational institutions and students of pedagogical universities are analyzed. All three categories of teachers indicate as the reasons for the development of burnout a high emotional, physical, and communicative load; a high level of social requirements; mismatch of expectations of the real situation in education. A comparative analysis of the symptoms and phases of emotional burnout syndrome among teachers of preschool educational institutions and teachers of secondary educational schools was carried out. The data of an empirical study of the symptoms of emotional burnout among teachers of preschool educational institutions are presented. The results obtained allowed us to identify a number of specific age-related features and trends in the development of emotional burnout syndrome in preschool workers. The diagnostic results obtained by V. V. Boyko’s method of diagnosing emotional burnout showed that, regardless of age, in most cases a phase of “Resistance” is formed, the most pronounced is the symptom of “Experiencing traumatic circumstances”, the least pronounced is the symptom of “Emotional and moral disorientation”. The materials presented in this article can be used when planning work on the prevention and overcoming of emotional burnout among employees of preschool educational institutions.
Keywords: phenomenon of emotional burnout, burnout models, teachers, preschool educational institutions
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 129 — 139
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