Psychological transformation of the student’s personality in the conditions of digitalization of education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-159-167
In the conditions of digitalization of the modern education system, the psychological development and transformation of the student’s personality takes place. Problematic issues of digitalization of education are among the most actively discussed in the modern psychological and pedagogical community. The study of specific psychological characteristics of the personality of representatives of the digital generation (modern schoolchildren) is very relevant, since psychological scientists today are actively discussing how to build effective strategies for interpersonal communication and behavioral interaction with the digital generation. Global digital improvisation brings many new opportunities to the educational process, but its consequences also pose serious social and psychological problems. Digitalization of education, the use of the latest digital educational technologies, the student’s stay in a virtual environment have a significant impact on the psychological development of the child, lead to transformations of his behavior, the formation of a specific digital personality. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the ideas of teaching staff about the personal and behavioral characteristics of modern students. The results of the prototypical analysis of empirical data obtained during a remote survey of practicing teachers allow us to conclude that the modern student, as well as his personal properties and individual psychological characteristics, are statistically reliably associated with the attributes of digitalization and digital space. It is shown that modern students have the properties and qualities inherent in representatives of the digital generation.
Keywords: digitalization, digital education, digital learning, digital educational technologies, digital generation, virtual educational environment, psychology of digitalization
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 159 — 167
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