Scientific research practice as a means of developing methodological culture of teacher-musician
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-3-47-53
The problem of the insufficiency of the methodological culture of a teacher-musician is considered, the reasons for its emergence in the professional sphere and in the system of musical pedagogical training of students as future teacher-researchers are analyzed. This is a systematic indifferent attitude towards the school subject “Music” as a “peripheral” one, as well as the specificity of the training profile, due to the creative nature of the training context, which presupposes particularly labor-intensive and labor-intensive musical performance training. The role of educational practice (research work) in arousing interest to this type of professional training and involving students in design and research work is substantiated. Its positive influence and effectiveness are shown, expressed in active participation in research conferences and scientific and methodological seminars with reports and publication of scientific articles, development of creative research projects. The results of a questionnaire survey of 4th year students who had an annual educational practice (research work) are presented. The answers of the interviewees confirmed the increase of their methodical literacy, interest, activity and effectiveness in design and research activities, its positive influence on forming of methodical culture and, in general, professional culture of the future music teacher.
Keywords: methodology, methodology culture, studying practice (scientific researchwork), teacher-musician, teacher-researcher
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 47 — 53
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