The stages of formation of foreign language professional lexical competence at Medical University
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-3-64-71
The author shows the stages of formation of foreign language professional lexical competence based on the use of previous and current interdisciplinary connections, characterizes the skills of each stage in the process of formation of the professional lexical competence, gives an example of the developed plan for systematic interaction between students and teacher emphasizing the impact of the plan on the stage formation of students’ oral speech. The article touches the psychophysiological basis of lexical skills which is the automated dynamic links as unity of semantic and auditoryspeech-motor images of certain lexical items in the process of their application in speech activities. The formation of this kind of links determines automated processes of vocabulary application in a coherent speech context causing the effective formation of foreign language professional lexical competence. The described stages involve the use of interdisciplinary connections at the stage of formation of language lexical skills as an initial component of lexical competence, at the stage of formation of lexical skills of reproductive-productive oral speech as the progressive constituent of professional lexical competence and at the stage of spontaneous speech as the stage of application of productive lexical skills that determine the formation of professional lexical competence.
Keywords: foreign language professional lexical competence, interdisciplinary connections, professionally oriented disciplines, professional vocabulary, oral-speech interaction, lexical skills of professionally oriented oral speech, stages of formation of professional lexical competence
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 64 — 71
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