Functional organization of language competence from the point of view of the metasystem approach
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-3-112-123
The paper reveals the content of the metasystem approach to the study of the functional structure of language competence as a psychological-pedagogical phenomenon. The analysis of the currently conducted research carried out in the field of linguistics, pedagogy and psychology has demonstrated a weak elaboration of the problem of the functional organization of the language competence system. The partial functions of the system are considered as derivatives of the functional orientation of its fragmentary components. The functional certainty of the system is formed as an additive set of “elementary” functions. The metasystem approach makes it possible to uncover and overcome “implicit” contradictions in the understanding of the functional organization of the language competence system. The basic metasystem regularities of the functional organization of systems with a built-in meta-level, to the class of which language competence belongs, are considered. These regularities are the principle of meta-goal determination of the system, the principle of diachronic system organization, the principle of constant interaction of the actual and potential content of the system. Theoretical assumptions are put forward about the increase in the functional capacity of the language competence system as its structural and dynamic organization becomes more complex. The functional organization of language competence depends on the change in complexity and, accordingly, on the delay in achieving the goal of the educational language task. The content of adaptive, regulatory and transformational-generative functions of language competence is revealed. It is established that language reflection, a sense of language, language skills and abilities are “tools” for the implementation of these functions. At the same time, their functional capacity differs depending on their place in the structural-hierarchical organization of the language competence system. The formulated assumptions are important for creating a methodologically reasonable program of psychological-pedagogical support for the formation of language competence as a functionally mature structural and dynamic systemic structural part of personality of a pupil.
Keywords: language competence, language ability, language, sense of language, language reflection, metasystem approach, functional organization of system, native language teaching
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 112 — 123
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