Modern comparative pedagogical research on the training of vocalists in China and Russia
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-3-154-164
The role of comparative research has increased, and the interdependent world has become the modern context for the development of comparative pedagogy. Recently, the number of scientific and pedagogical publications devoted to music education and vocal pedagogy, in particular the training of vocalists, has increased in both countries. In Russian universities and conservatories, vocalists from China are trained, vocal competitions are held with participants from both countries, and Russian teachers in the field of music education are invited to China for teaching activities. The article summarizes the results of modern comparative pedagogical research over the past 15 years on the training of vocalists in China and Russia, carried out primarily by Chinese scientists alone, in collaboration with Russian scientists or under the scientific supervision of scientists from Russian universities. Their problems are mainly related to the influence of Russian vocal art (opera) on Chinese and the peculiarities of training vocalists in China and Russia (similarities and differences). The review of research data allows us to create a holistic picture of the current state of training of vocalists in the two countries, the specifics, development and integration of vocal schools. Modern research confirms the influence of Russian theory and practice in the field of training vocalists on Chinese musical and vocal education, but the training systems in both China and Russia are equally highly and respectfully assessed, their uniqueness, similarities, and differences are revealed, noting possible areas for improvement.
Keywords: training of vocalists in China, training of vocalists in Russia, comparative pedagogy, vocal pedagogy, comparative pedagogical research
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 154 — 164
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