Children’s journalism in project activities as a means of forming the communicative culture of senior preschoolers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-4-32-40
One of the most important aspects of modern preschool education is analyzed, as well as a significant problem of society – the formation of the communicative culture of older preschoolers. Preschool age is a special stage in the process of personality formation. It is during this period that the foundations of the ability to build harmonious relationships with others, establish communication, and find a common language in various situations are laid. Success in the formation of a preschooler’s communicative culture affects the child’s socialization, expands the possibilities of cognition and activity, and allows full participation in the life of society. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the problem of forming the communicative culture of senior preschool children, as well as the proposed means of solving this problem through the introduction of children’s journalism into the pedagogical process in project activities, as well as the description and interpretation of the results of the study. Research methods: the proposed miniprojects, which are part of the global Crane project, represent both the theoretical basis of this study and the practical result of solving the problem of a low level of communicative culture in the experimental group by forming the communicative culture of senior preschoolers by means of children’s journalism in project activities. A model of the formation of the communicative culture of senior preschoolers by means of children’s journalism in project activities is presented. Based on the built-up model, practical work with children of the experimental group was designed. It was possible to identify, substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the influence of children’s journalism in project activities on the formation of the communicative culture of older preschoolers. The data of the control experiment convincingly prove the expediency of the conditions developed and tested by us.
Keywords: communicative culture, project activity, children’s journalism, communication, preschool age
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 32 — 40
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