Value orientations of modern youth and the formation of functional literacy of a student: from the experience of teaching the discipline «Fundamentals of Russian Statehood»
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-24-32
The article is about the experience of forming functional literacy of students during the course ‘Fundamentals of Russian statehood’. The relevance of the problem is associated with dynamic changes in the economy, social and cultural life, which requires from the future specialist a broad outlook, knowledge and skills to adapt in the changing world. The material for analysis is the experience of teaching the course ‘Fundamentals of Russian statehood’ in two higher educational institutions in September - December 2023. It shows the reliance on the value attitudes of young people, in particular, the love for ‘small motherland (region), the values of creative and professional self-realisation, allowed to stimulate the development of reading, communicative and information literacy: the ability to work with texts on different topics, to critically select information, to present it correctly to the audience. The article concludes that the reliance on the basic value attitudes of young people is a quite effective approach to stimulate interest in the learning process, which is the key to the formation of elements of functional literacy of students. These methodological techniques of humanities disciplines in higher education can be the subject of further discussions.
Keywords: functional literacy, reading literacy, information literacy, values, youth, foundations of Russian statehood, regional patriotism
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 24 — 32
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