Pedagogical initiative: the concept, key components and classifications
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-44-53
The work is devoted to the phenomenon of initiative in the professional development of a student – a future teacher, to the study of the theory and practice of applying teacher training models based on the manifestation of professional initiatives. Different concepts and directions of “initiative” of students – future teachers at different levels of their education are considered. The object of study is the meaning formation of initiative in the structure of pedagogical knowledge, the features of its development in various conditions. To determine the dominant elements, classification, and identify sustainable models for the development of initiative, a structural analysis of various concepts was carried out, and current models for the formation of pedagogical initiative were identified. The sets of principles contributing to the development of initiative in education are identified. General theoretical principles include the principle of pragmatism; the principle of consciousness. Particular principles of working with students’ initiative are as follows: ensuring independent work of teachers in transferring previously acquired knowledge and skills to a new situation, using interactivity in the educational process, focusing on students’ search for subjectively new information during independent integration of the basis of a standard action into a solution, creating conditions for work with information and information technologies. The principles of personality development are considered as the main triggers that ensure the launch of an initiative. The initiative of a modern teacher is included in the system of his basic competencies as an immanent professional quality, at the same time it is determined by his individual characteristics, in particular, the possession of intuition, the ability to improvise.
Keywords: the pedagogical initiative of the student, the structure of the teacher’s initiative, the model of the teacher’s initiative training, the principles of initiative
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 44 — 53
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