Reflection of traditional Russian costume in modern design education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-54-63
On the basis of works of domestic scientists (art historians, teachers, IT-specialists) the main tasks of modern design education, aimed at training a competent, creative graduate able to apply ethnocultural material in the professional sphere, including by means of digital technologies, are considered. The study is based on the mechanisms of introducing the material of traditional Russian costume into the content component of training future designers. An important confirmation of the significance of including the material of traditional Russian costume in design education is the quality and novelty of project developments and the effectiveness of students’ projects participation in competition and exhibition activities. In the course of the study was proved the high efficiency of using the material of traditional Russian costume in modern design education in the formation of professional competencies aimed at improving the future specialist, and universal, contributing to the education of the individual in the traditions of their culture. The high level of students’ mastering the material of traditional Russian costume was indicated by the growth of the number of completed projects of ethno-style clothing collections, which is a successful use of the material of traditional Russian costume in modern design education.
Keywords: traditional Russian costume, costume design, design education, source of creativity, project, digital technologies in design
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 54 — 63
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