Language teaching for the specialty “Jurisprudence” in the aspect of Russian as a foreign language: on the issue of generalizing experience in modern linguodidactics
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-92-100
A summary of the existing experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language for foreign students studying in the “Jurisprudence” profile is presented. It is emphasized that the study of the communicative behavior of a linguistic personality in the professional field, especially in the legal field, requires taking into account linguistic and cultural factors in their totality. Legal terminology reflects national legal traditions, the historical development of society, its legal principles and ideology. The complexity of professional interaction in the legal field is due to differences in the logic of codified law and ordinary moral and legal beliefs that each person possesses. In addition, each national legal system has its own unique logic, despite the presence of certain universal features. The training of specialists in the subject area of “Jurisprudence” within the framework of multicultural education is characterized by the need to overcome a number of difficulties. Among the problems is the need to develop adequate forms, methods and means of teaching that allow effective interpretation of legal texts that are complex in their syntactic organization and content. Special attention should be paid to working with Russian legal terminology. The main methods and approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language are covered in the aspect of considering it as a language of specialty, as well as the application of these methods in the context of teaching legal terminology and specific language structures to foreign students - future lawyers. The issue of developing communication skills necessary for successful communication in the legal field is explored.
Keywords: linguodidactics, Russian as a foreign language, multicultural communication, specialty “Jurisprudence”, language of specialty
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 92 — 100
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