Analysis of metamodels for verbal representation of clothing by women
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-101-113
This article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying and analyzing significant categories of verbal representation of clothing provided by female respondents. The relevance of the study lies in exploring human identity through the adornment of appearance in accordance with their ideals of the ideal self. Contemporary research on the relationship between clothing and identity has focused more on social and cultural stereotypes than on the psychological aspects of clothing choice. The material of the article addresses this gap in psychology research. The study was conducted using the method of psychological questionnaires, with 36 women aged 24–55 years. The author examines elements of verbal representation of clothing as reflections of the process of self-identification in women. The analysis conducted contributes to a deeper understanding of the relationship between speech, clothing, and identity. For practicing psychologists, the ability to analyze and interpret visual aspects of client appearance is an important skill that aids in the effective diagnosis of personal psychological issues. The main focus of the article is the analysis of speech metamodels used in describing clothing. The study reveals that, in addition to direct verbal messages, respondents unconsciously express their emotions and attitudes through speech constructs. The authors draw on symbolic interactionism, psychoanalytic, and neurolinguistic approaches for analysis. Three categories of clothing meanings were identified: utilitarian, social, and personal. Additionally, three metamodels were described and analyzed: denial, use of expressive language, and metaphorical expressions. Client case examples are provided for illustration. Clothing possesses universal communicative meanings. When analyzing descriptions of appearance, attention should be paid not only to the content of speech but also to its structure, as it carries additional semantic nuances and provides psychologists with the opportunity to analyze unconscious motives of individuals, thereby enhancing therapeutic dialogue possibilities. The research findings are useful for psychologists, non-medical psychotherapists, and art therapists, who can use projective clothing descriptions for diagnosing and identifying client behavioral patterns for subsequent correction. Additionally, the results may be important for researchers in the fields of clothing and identity, as well as for image consultants, designers, and stylists.
Keywords: clothing, identity, metamodels, speech, appearance, personal meaning, psychotherapy
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 101 — 113
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