The problem of artificial intelligence technology acceptance in the educational environment: Pedagogical resistance and implementation strategies
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-154-166
The article analyzes the problems of AI technology acceptance in the educational environment. The study is based on the AIDUA adoption model and includes empirical data on digital acceptance/ resistance to AI adoption by the pedagogical community. The authors identify the socio-psychological and organizational roots of pedagogical digital resistance, offering recommendations for acceleration of AI adoption in teaching practices. The results of the empirical study allow to characterize the attitudes of digital resistance to the introduction of AI technologies. Primarily, these are related to the underestimation of social influence and expectations arising from the speed of technology diffusion, concerns about the potential of using AI technologies and the possible replacement of the educational staff due to the non-anthropomorphic nature of digital assistants, and fears of losing the emotional and personal component of education. The authors also investigate the relevant factors of restraint at different levels of the pedagogical community due to the inaccessibility of necessary resources, the lack of common approaches and protocols for the use of AI technologies, resistance on the part of the pedagogical community based on the preservation of traditions and values of classical education. The proposed strategies and organizational approaches are aimed at reducing resistance and creating a favorable environmental climate conducive to the successful introduction of new technologies in the educational process. The article highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach and integrated strategy for the effective use of the potential of artificial intelligence in education.
Keywords: artificial intelligence technologies in education, diffusion of innovation, digital resistance, technology acceptance
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 154 — 166
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