Motives of Chinese students and postgraduates for choosing the country of study
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-7-14
Currently, in world practice, in connection with the creation of a unified educational space, one of the urgent issues is the internationalization of education and training of specialists that meet the requirements of time. The number of foreigners studying in Russia is constantly increasing, which significantly expands the scope of higher education. Russia is the country interested in cooperation with Chinese national initiative «One belt, One Road». This program focuses on the political, economic and exchange fields of promising students to build human potential. In the 2000s, China`s policy took a firm course towards the humanitarian paradigm. The values of education began to be considered as a resource of development of the country and nation. Only an educated person can become successful and useful for his country. Despite the global pandemic, the number of Chinese students and graduate students studying in Russia is increasing significantly today. As a strategic partners in cooperation Russia and China are constantly increasing Sino-Russian exchanges of students and postgraduates as a joint training of specialists in the field of education. Co-education allows young people to absorb the cultural essence and language of the two countries, expands the horizons of students and contributes to their general cultural and professional development. It emphasizes the need for knowledge of foreign languages for a modern person as a guarantee of his competitiveness in employment. The attractiveness of Russia for training Chinese youth indicates the strengthening of educational cooperation between the two countries. The model of co-education and student exchange corresponds to the complex multi-level training of specialists as a model of multi-channel cultural and educational Chinese-Russian cooperation.
Keywords: Chinese-Russian cooperation, teaching staff, the demand for specialists with knowledge of the Russian language, employment of Chinese students after studying in Russia, teaching foreign languages at Chinese school
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Issue: 5, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 7 — 14
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