Modern school textbooks in the context of the tasks of ensuring a unified educational space and childhood safety
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-18-28
The work discusses a wide range of issues related to the development, evaluation and use of text-books in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the research is due to the attention of the state and society to the task of creating a unified educational space, taking into account national priorities and ideas about childhood safety, which is emphasized in Federal Law No. 371. The purpose of the research is to study the issue of compliance of textbooks for general education institutions and vocational education institutions with safety requirements, content relevance, ideological and value compliance with national priorities. The article pays attention to domestic and foreign research, methodological materials on textbooks that undergo periodic examination in accordance with national education reform programs. A review of the literature revealed that in foreign studies of the content of textbooks, the aspect related to childhood safety is practically not updated; in the domestic normative and methodological field it has been introduced, but has not been sufficiently studied. The research method is the analysis of expert opinions, carried out based on the results of a seminar with the participation of more than 50 specialists with experience in evaluating modern textbooks. Based on the generalization and conceptualization of the opinions of the seminar participants, current and controversial issues of examination of modern textbooks for schools and secondary vocational education are identified. 1. The role of textbooks in the educational process, assessment of their content and methodological equipment from the point of view of compliance with the idea of unifying educational standards and programs in the country. 2. Issues of coordinating the content of educational materials between different subjects. 3. The task of ensuring that the content of textbooks is accessible to students’ understanding. 4. Possibilities of electronic versions of textbooks and integration of interactive elements into printed versions to improve learning efficiency. 5. Problems related to compliance with child safety requirements, including limiting access to information that is unreliable or promotes destructive values. The results of the study are an important resource for the work of teachers, methodologists, scientists and legislators, as they contain an objective analysis of the problems of textbook development and recommendations for improving the quality and efficiency of educational resources in Russia.
Keywords: textbook, examination, educational policy, common educational space, childhood safety
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 18 — 28
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