Preparing a Modern Teacher for Work in a Rural School: Key Competencies and Individualized Models of Organizing Professional Development
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-29-37
The article systematizes the key characteristics of a modern rural school and the specific conditions of its activities. It describes the specific features of a rural teacher’s pedagogical activity. It presents the content of individual pedagogical difficulties of teachers in this group of general education organizations: selection of educational material for work on “non-core” disciplines, integration of educational material, psychology of pedagogical communication in mixed-age groups, a system of effective methods, techniques and means of teaching in small classes, design and implementation of individual educational routes, techniques for self-organization of a teacher’s activity, self-analysis of difficulties in professional activity, etc. The article presents the key competencies (communicative, design, reflexive), the corresponding components of the content of the activity (integrative-methodological component, informational-cognitive, personality-developing, reflexive-communicative), and the leading principles of training a teacher in a small rural school. Individual routes for advanced training, including variable models, are substantiated.
Keywords: small school, rural school teacher, features of the professional activity of a rural school teacher, communicative competence of a rural school teacher, design competence of a rural school teacher
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 29 — 37
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