Analysis of trends in the development of teacher education in Russia in the first quarter of the XXI century
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-38-49
The work is devoted to the analysis of trends in the development of teacher education in Russia. By means of historical and pedagogical analysis the leading world and Russian trends in the development of higher education (global, current and prospective) are systematized. The paper describes some directions of development of modern pedagogical education (integration of technologies, competency-based approach, interdisciplinarity, individualization, professional development of teachers, quality assessment of education, reforming higher teacher education, development of networking, support for innovative educational programs, emotional and social learning, pedagogy using generative artificial intelligence, sustainable development, becoming a digital ecosystem, transdisciplinarity) and pedagogical university including the processes of regionalization of teacher education; formation of a digital eco-environment of a teacher training university; development of its technosphere; formation of poly-network educational associations on the basis of a teacher training university; development of a system of continuous teacher education; use of participative, personalized models of support for participants of the process in a teacher training university; management of training and professional development of teaching staff, including in the field of social partnership organization; updating the content of teacher education; development of a system of continuous teacher education; development of a system of professional development of teacher education in a teacher training university.
Keywords: trends, directions of development of higher education, directions of development of pedagogical education, modern pedagogical education, pedagogical university
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 38 — 49
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