Pedagogical innovation competitions as drivers and institutions for supporting digital initiatives of innovative teachers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-50-62
The article examines the role of pedagogical innovation competitions as a mechanism for supporting and accompanying digital initiatives of teachers in the context of digitalization of education. Using the example of the Competition for Innovation in Education, the key areas of digital projects aimed at transforming educational practice are analyzed. The main categories of presented projects are identified, among which interactive educational platforms and blended learning technologies dominate. A significant part of the projects is aimed at complementing traditional educational methods through digitalization. Methods for accelerating innovative projects are considered, as well as their contribution to the professional development of teachers and the formation of an innovative educational community. The theoretical significance of the article is to expand the understanding of the mechanisms for supporting digital transformation in education and the role of competitions in the development of design thinking and an innovative culture among teachers. The article shows how innovation competitions stimulate the implementation of grassroots educational innovations, provide support in the form of resources and expertise, and also form an ecosystem of interaction between participants.
Keywords: digitalization of education, educational innovation competitions, innovative projects, interactive educational platforms, pedagogical innovations, innovation competitions, project acceleration, design thinking
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 50 — 62
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