Academic motivation in students majoring in psychology and pedagogy: psychosemantic analysis
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-103-113
The article presents the results of psychosemantic analysis of academic motivation in university students majoring in psychology and pedagogy. The study was conducted on a sample of 145 students studying in the first and fourth years of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, majoring in Psychological and Pedagogical Education. The study used the methodology for studying the motives of educational activity (A. A. Rean, V. A. Yakunin, I. V. Tikhomirova) and the universal semantic differential, which made it possible to identify the emotional connotation and personal significance of educational motives. The differences in the structure of educational motives of successful and unsuccessful students studying in the initial and final years are shown. The leading motives for junior students in psychology and pedagogy reflect the reduced personal significance of learning. The most important motives are those of employment, which reflects the pragmatic nature of choosing a field of study. First-year students with higher academic performance demonstrate a more differentiated motivation structure than students with lower academic performance, which is the basis for their success in learning. The structure of the leading motives of the fourth-year students includes professionally oriented motives, which reflects a higher readiness for professional activity than in the first-year students. The comparative analysis of academic motivation was carried out, which showed a flattening of the motivational structure in successful students and differentiation of learning motives in unsuccessful students. The identified phenomena reflect the different contribution of motivation as a regulatory factor in ensuring educational activity and the influence of cultural and socio-economic factors on the learning process of students studying in psychological and pedagogical specialties.
Keywords: academic motivation, learning motive, educational activity, dynamics of academic motivation, university students, psychosemantic analysis
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 103 — 113
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