Correlation between professional identity and creativity of psychology students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-5-114-124
Professional identity is the key to successful work and the most effective use of the potential of a psychologist. The purpose of the study is to study the relationship between professional identity and creativity among psychology students. The methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic psychologists on professional identity: L. B. Schneider, E. P. Ermolaeva, D. I. Zavalishina, A. V. Ebicha, A. A. Azbel and others. In the empirical study, a set of psychological techniques was used: E. Torrance’s creativity technique; method of verbal creativity S. Mednik, method of studying professional identity statuses A. A. Azbel, test to determine the professional personality type of J. Holland. The empirical sample consisted of 80 students of the Faculty of Psychology of NSPU aged from 18 to 21 years, of whom 70 were girls and 10 boys. The results of the study showed: the majority of psychology students demonstrate a formed professional identity and a crisis in choosing a professional identity; relate primarily to social and artistic professional personality types. The relationships between professional identity status and creativity have been identified. Conclusions. The more pronounced the formed status of professional identity, the higher the ability of students to put forward ideas that differ from the obvious, well-known, generally accepted, banal or firmly established, and openness to new things. As a way to overcome the identity crisis for psychology students, it is proposed to introduce forms of learning into the educational process that promote the development of creativity and pay attention to practical training.
Keywords: screen reading, digital reading continuum, modifications to reading, monocode text, hypertext, text comprehension, teenagers, gender and age professional identity, professional personality type, creativity differences
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 114 — 124
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