Evaluation of psychological adaptation of first-year students through self-assessment of health indicators
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-125-133
The adaptation process is a stressful reaction that activates adaptation to changes in the environment. The success of the adaptation process of freshmen is manifested in the results of educational ac tivities, the field of social interaction, indicators of physical and mental health. Disorders of psychological adaptation manifests itself in a decrease in indicators of physical functioning and psychological well-being. Health indicators and their changes can be considered as an indicator of the success of the adaptive process, and the application of appropriate diagnostic tools can be considered as a compact method of comprehensive assessment of adaptation, including physiological and psychological aspects. The aim of the study is to monitor the psychological adaptation of first-year students through health indicators (physical and psychological). In 2023, 276 1st year students of a pedagogical university, including 22 underaged, took part in the study. The sex and age composition of the sample: 240 girls, 36 boys (17-22 years old). In 2024 – 178 students, including 9 underaged. The sex and age composition of the sample: (17-21 years old) 145 girls, 33 boys (17-21 years old). Toolkit used: SF-36 testing – Quality of Life Questionnaire. The data showed that most of the scales in the sample correspond to the average values in the population or exceed the population indicators, there were no statistically significant differences between the average values in the sample and in the population. Analysis of individual results made it possible to identify students who need psychological assistance. Individual work with them confirms the informativeness and validity of the diagnostic tool used, which makes it possible to identify the manifestations of disorders of psychological adaptation and specify the targets of psychological work.
Keywords: psychological adaptation, student, first year, health
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 125 — 133
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