Stereotypes, attitudes, preconceptions and prejudices in the professional pedagogical activity of rural teachers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-134-143
The issue of forming new stereotypes of professional pedagogical activity is considered, which can replace negative and outdated ones that destructively affect the results of the work of rural teachers, which, in comparison with urban ones, is complicated by the peculiarities of the functioning of an educational organization in rural areas. The thesis is proven that the multifunctional activity of a rural teacher contributes to the formation of special stereotypes, primarily related to the organization of the educational process (including the importance of small schools and their restructuring, the use of network mechanisms, the design and implementation of individual educational routes, etc.). Among such ideas, formed in the 60-90s among teachers of rural schools (primarily small ones), are the firm belief of some teachers and administrators about the “second-class” nature of employees of this group of educational organizations and the low quality of their activities. A historical and pedagogical analysis of the concepts of “stereotypes”, “attitudes”, “preconceptions”, “prejudice” in the professional pedagogical activities of rural teachers was carried out. Based on comparative characteristics, common and distinctive features of the listed psychological phenomena have been identified that can be used when working to form stereotypes of professional pedagogical activity.
Keywords: professional pedagogical activity, stereotypes, attitudes, prejudices, preconceptions, rural teachers
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 134 — 143
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