The relationship of a teenager’s psychological well-being with the peculiarities of his relationship with his parents
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-144-153
A question is being considered that reveals the connection between child-parental relations and the psychological well-being of teenage children. It has been shown that psychological well-being is a complex personal construct, including several important personal factors that affect the successful or problematic passage of the crisis stage in development. The description of psychological well-being and its main components are given - autonomy, self-acceptance, environmental management, personal growth, self-acceptance, the presence of a goal in life. The results of an empirical study are presented, which made it possible to determine the factors affecting the psychological well-being of an adolescent and determine the styles of parental interaction that contribute to its manifestation. It is shown that insufficient attention from parents, low levels of emotional support, a combination of authoritarian and indifferent leadership style negatively affect the psychological well-being of a teenager. Adolescents with a high level of psychological well-being are brought up in families with a predominance of an authoritative style of interaction. Additionally, it was revealed that the most significant features of family relationships that have a positive impact on the psychological well-being of a teenager are: emotional closeness, acceptance, cooperation, consent, consistency of upbringing and satisfaction with relationships. Research materials can be useful to psychologists working with families raising adolescents
Keywords: child-parent relations, styles of family upbringing, psychological well-being of adolescents
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 144 — 153
Downloads: 39