Value-semantic guidelines of future teachers: analysis of concepts and review of research at the present stage
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-154-169
The article describes the results of the analysis of the studies of the value-semantic foundations of training future teachers. Value guidelines and value-semantic orientations act as value-semantic foundations of training future teachers. Value guidelines are key concepts that are the basis for setting goals and choosing activities. Value-semantic orientations are part of the personality structure, which includes personal meanings, motives, and interests. Value-semantic orientations determine the direction of an individual’s activity and become a determinant of its development. The value-semantic orientations of a teacher are related to his professional activity. It is important that the value system that the teacher transmits to the future generation depends on them. The authors present the results of a review of dissertation research and peer-reviewed scientific publications over the past three years (2022-2024). It has been revealed that the research is aimed at identifying the value of specific parts of the educational process, at applying the value-semantic approach to describe educational practices, at describing the conditions for the formation of students’ value attitudes to something. A large number of scientific papers are devoted to the value-semantic orientations of teachers and students in the context of continuous pedagogical education. Questions remain open about how the same unified value-semantic foundations of pedagogical education should be implemented in the context of a single educational space.
Keywords: value guidelines, value orientations, value-semantic orientations, future teachers, values of pedagogical activity
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 154 — 169
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