Research in the field of firefighter training in Russia and abroad
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-170-178
The study provides an overview of domestic and foreign scientific work in the field of firefighter training over the past 20 years (2004–2024). The relevance of the review of modern research in the field of professional training of firefighters in Russia and abroad is justified by the fact that generalization of its results is important for determining further vectors of development in the field of this training. The purpose of the study is to analyze modern research in the field of firefighter training in Russia and abroad, summarizing its key similarities and differences. It has been established that there are significant similarities in its organization in Russia and abroad. One of the significant differences is the disparity between the practical and theoretical aspects of such training (in Russia more attention is paid to theory, while abroad – to practice). Foreign publications often publish articles on the use of modern technologies (for example, simulation, digital) and health protection in firefighter training. Domestic publications actively discuss ways to improve the organizational and methodological base in this training. Both groups of studies demonstrate compliance with modern world trends in the development of vocational education and a focus on modernizing and improving this training.
Keywords: research on the training of firefighters, training of firefighters in Russia, training of firefighters abroad, firefighters, State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, fire safety, pedagogical technologies
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 170 — 178
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