Experience in researching the category “development” in the system of software and methodological support for preschool education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-6-7-17
The pedagogical category “development” is understood as the core framework of the system of software and methodological support for preschool education (PE), giving it humanistic aspiration, value-semantic conditioning and functional diversity. The research problem is characterized by the contradiction between the continuously increasing complexity of the category “development” in the texts of software and methodological support presented to the teacher and his lack of the necessary ideas about the principles and methods of their transformation into practical activities. The specificity of the semantic contextual analysis of the category “development” is revealed. The periodization of software and methodological support for EB over the past 60 years has made it possible to establish a pattern of objectively occurring changes in the field of development and reproduction of its content. The content of the category “development” is represented by a set of semantic contexts: about development as a mechanism of PE; general development of preschool children (personality, psyche, physical, spiritual and moral, etc.); about development in different types of activities; on the development of the content and system of additional education; on professional and pedagogical development; about the conditions and factors for the implementation of the development category; on the diagnosis of developmental education. A statistically significant increase in the degree of saturation with the semantic content of the category “development” was established in all contexts, starting from the second period, mainly under the influence of the created “Concept of preschool education” (1989), which laid the foundation for the transition to personality-oriented education and its increase in the modern period functioning. The context about the professional development of a teacher has intensified only in the modern period. From the standpoint of an in-depth analysis of the semantic contexts of the category “development”, which define the software and methodological support for the content of preschool education (educational standards, first of all), there is a noticeable tendency to strengthen generalizing meanings and reduce specifications of a descriptive nature, which are left to teachers and educators. It is advisable to consider the structure of semantic contexts of the “development” category as an invariant of the organization and design of software and methodological support for the content of preschool education. The work was carried out on a large volume of scientific and practical material of the textual reality of scientific and subject-methodological knowledge about PE.
Keywords: сategory, context, support, program and methodological, development, meaning
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Issue: 6, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 7 — 17
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