On the 25th anniversary of the Dissertation Council of Tomsk State Pedagogical University on Pedagogical Sciences
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2025-1-161-166
On December 13, 2024, Tomsk State Pedagogical University hosted a round table dedicated to the anniversary of the Dissertation Council. Its participants were: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Valentina Ivanovna Revyakina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Svetlana Ivanovna Pozdeeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Larisa Germanovna Smyshlyaeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Olga Ramazanovna Neradovskaya, members of the dissertation council, graduate students and applicants. The results of the work of the dissertation council were summarized at the round table: the number and quality of dissertations in pedagogical sciences defended since 1999 were analyzed; the actual topics and problems of research on general pedagogy and pedagogy of vocational education were identified, their connection with the directions of modernization of Russian education and the development of domestic pedagogical science was shown. The main trends in the development of pedagogical theory and educational practice were identified: concepts of modern childhood as a sociocultural phenomenon, changes in the content and quality of teaching activities, educational and social innovations in various fields of education, new research methods. The participants in the discussion came to the conclusion that TSPU has created an ecosystem of support and development of research in the field of education: a dissertation council, a postgraduate school, a research laboratory for the quality of scientific and pedagogical research and a school for teacher-researchers for graduate students and applicants.
Keywords: pedagogical science, dissertation research, subject of dissertations, research directions
Issue: 1, 2025
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 161 — 166
Downloads: 64