The article is devoted to the educational work of the Smolensk teacher, the founder of the school for the country children in the village of Tatevo in Smolensk Province, the author of the collection of articles “Country School”, S. A. Rachinskiy (1833–1902). The attention is paid to the questions of the organization of the educational work in the school of Tatevo and the problems of creating a temperance society in Tatevo Place.
Keywords: the pedagogical environment of the school, the school of Tatevo, religious and moral education
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3. Tanaevskiy S. S. A. Rachinskiy`s School in Tatevo. National Education, 1902, no.9, pp. 113–155 (in Russian).
4. Rachinskiy S. A. Rural school: collection of articles. Moscow, Narodnoe obrazovanie Publ., 1991. 173 p. (in Russian).
5. Steklov M. E. School Apostle in Russia (S. A. Rachinskiy). Pedagogy, 1998, no 2 (in Russian).
6. The Notebooks of S. A. Rachinskiy with articles and notes “Church Shool”, “Primary Shool and Agriculture”, “Reading of Psalms in Primary Shool”. RGALI. F. 27 op. 1., d. 730, 124 p. (in Russian).
7. 1001 Tasks for Mental Calculation. Guidebook for Teachers of Rural Schools. St. Petersburg, 1899, no. 312. 88 p. (In Russian).
8. From the Correspondence of S. A. Rachinskiy. Russian Vestnik, 1903, no. 1, 221 p. (In Russian).
9. Georgievskiy V. T. Sergey Aleksandrovich Rachinskiy (Advocate for National Education – a Friend of peasant children). St. Petersburg, 1912. 32 p. (In Russian).
10. Steklov M. E. S. A. Rachinskiy – a Popular Teacher. Moscow, Algoritm Publ., 2002. 267 p. (In Russian).
Issue: 1, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 60 — 64
Downloads: 1416