In recent years in Russia there were opened many institutes and departments involved in the preparation of fashion designers. However, the lack of well-established teaching traditions, uniform requirements, and well-coordinated work of the teaching staff leads to inconsistency in the educational process and interferes with the preparation of specialist able to work in modern conditions. The author sees the solution of the problem in creating a designer’s professional practice model, based on the specifics of the local market of design services, where experts will work after training. The results of dialogue with representatives of regional enterprises that took place on the 24–30 November 2014 at the Institute of Arts and Culture of National research Tomsk State University in the framework of the “Cultural industries”, allow to highlight four basic types of specialization. According to them, the author identifies the basic professional requirements to young fashion designers. Specialists training model, based on these requirements, will lead to forming of student’s professional and special competences and allow higher school to take worthy place in the field of fashion designer’s education.
Keywords: professional training model, competence, fashion design, specialization types, regional industrial enterprises
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 30 — 36
Downloads: 1057