This article offers the author's approach to the problem of the formation of deviant behavior in adolescents, it is considered as a set of unfavorable pedagogical conditions that exhibit a certain dependence on family education. In the proposed analysis of empirical data were used materials of interviews of all surveyed students and their parents, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey and testing. Presents the results of the results of the interview of parents. Marked multifactorial pedagogical problems in most of the families sur veyed: frequent family conflicts, scandals, cold relations between spouses, divorce, etc. The author of the article noted the discrepancy between the assessment of the nature of relationships in the family by the parents and children. The author of the analysis of the resulting material proved that there are stabilizing and destabilizing factors of family relationships: the stabilizing factors may include mature father's age, education level of parents, especially mothers, partnerships with the child, the level of acceptance, lack of emotional distance between family members; destabilizing factors include young age of the mother, her mental and social immaturity, an indifferent attitude to the problems of her husband's family, emotional distance between spouses and parents with children, increased control over the child and autho ritarianism in the relationship with him, the parents’ rejection of the child. The psychoemotional state and mental health of family members is defined as, harmony/disharmony of family relations. The more family stabilizing pedagogical factors a family has, the higher is the level of mental health of children. The paper substantiates the adequacy of integrated programs of pedagogical analysis, diagnostics and prevention, which will substantially optimize pedagogical correction, rehabilitation activities and improve their effectiveness.
Keywords: adolescent deviant behavior, family environment, pedagogical conditions, micro-social-environmental factors
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 63 — 68
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