The article analyzes the problems of the modern Russian education during the period of its continuing reform, in particular the loss of one of the most important tools for the formation and development of personality – education. As a result of socio-political, economic and cultural changes in education system education originally abandoned its educational function, but in the present situation of devaluation the recovery of values of education can be seen in a number of priority areas for development. To understand the essence of education analyzes the social and philosophical position of the German philosopher and sociologist Niklas Luhmann, who studied the process of sociocultural evolution of education and interpreted education in his work as a result of the educational system of the society. Education in socialization treated by N. Luhmann as mechanisms of personality changes, but education complements and corrects the results of socialization. Education takes its contingency formula in the concept of “education”, which is understood as the result of N. Luhmann active work of the individual over himself, the symbol of his public success. Pedagogy as a theory of reflection develops its own definition of the educational plan, thereby changing the content of the previous formula of contingency “education”. The educational goal is not designated as the development of scientific knowledge, as well as the acquisition of “ability to learn.” This educational goal orients the individual to explore all that is available for the study, and the need for further lifelong learning in the future. Thus, the concept of Luhmann is radically different from today's traditional ideas that underpin all modern education system in which education is understood as a mere tool of learning and education, moreover is not binding and has no evaluation criteria.
Keywords: education, social and cultural evolution of education, problems of modern education
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 7 — 12
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