The article discusses development of methodology of system approach in domestic pedagogics in relation to the concept “pedagogical system” on the basis of the basic principles of the system approach: an ultimate goal, unity, connectivity, modular construction, hierarchy, functionality, development, decentralization, uncertainty, taking into account that the purpose (training, bringing up and developing) is one of the leading backbone factors of any public system. The attention is paid to the need of close interrelation of the system of didactic, covering educational activity of school students and methodical work of teachers and the system of educational work which usually is understood as a set of extra-curricular educational activities. Considers the concept “pedagogical process” (as object of system research) in a new model of education, the structure of educational process became different: pupil – vocation – subject – lesson – pupil.
Keywords: system approach in pedagogics, pedagogical system, pedagogical process
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 13 — 23
Downloads: 1356