Methods of adaptive teaching high school students and first-year students of non-technical areas to physics that experience steady objective difficulties in the learning of this discip line are offered. The reasons for the objective difficulties are lack of motivation, lack of working memory and undeveloped associative thinking. Accordingly, the methodology is founded on the principle of minimum load on working memory and heuristic conversation as method to provide the understanding of the material, spaced repetitions as a means of consolidation of long-term memory and humanistic approach to the assessment of student achievement as a tool for positive motivation. The “2 Sigma Problem” urgency is emphasized, because it is only for individual learning that the method of heuristic conversation to achieve the understanding of physics and the control of spaced repetition can be realized to the full extent.
Keywords: teaching physics, working memory, heuristic conversation, spaced repetition, motivation
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 62 — 68
Downloads: 1107