The subject of the author’s review in this article is the problems of typologisation of nontraditional forms of teaching contributing deep and comprehensive analysis of the competence-based approach which, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, is determined as a key moment to the modern education system. Nontraditional (interactive) methods of teaching are defined as the most appropriate person-centered approach in teaching aimed at co-education and dialogue. The focus is on the specific interactive technologies, due to the factor that both a student and a teacher are the subjects of the educational process in this case. Interactive learning appeals to the own experience of students. On the basis of summarizing the available literature and my own pedagogical experience the most effective interactive technologies are identified and described. They are creative task, work in minor groups, role play, mini-lecture, project work, active warm-ups, POPS-formula (the student’s Position-Justification-Example-Result), training and modular forms of organization of the lesson. And, each interactive technology is directed at self-realization of pupils. The analysis of interactive forms of organization of educational process in the typological aspect allows to reveal their role, place and informative content deeper and comprehensively in the light of the competence-based approach.
Keywords: interactive forms of learning, self-realization, competence-based approach, Federal State Educational Standard of general education
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 69 — 77
Downloads: 1378