The article discusses the process of implementation of new Federal state educational standards in primary school. Analyses the peculiarities of the creation of the program of formation of universal educational activities in the framework of the concept of pedagogy of joint activities. Under this analysis a special emphasis is maid on the specificity of the concept interpretation of the formation of subjectivity in educational activities, development of processes of meaning-making, design, communication and their influence on the development of the program of formation of universal educational activities. The author comes to the conclusion that in the framework of joint activities of the proposed new standards typology of universal educational actions (UEA) can be accepted with certain reservations. If the concept substantiates the position that the development of subjectivity of the individual student directly depends on the development of collective subjectivity, then it is reasonable for the ability of design and communication, as well as the capacity for meaningmaking, to be classified as personal UEA.
Keywords: educational standards in primary schools, universal educational actions, pedagogy of the joint activity
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 15 — 23
Downloads: 1397