The article considers the Olympiad movement as a category of didactics; proves the expediency of using Olympiad movement of students within the organization of independent work for the development of creative competences and readiness for innovation. Describes the Olympiad movement technology in the creative process of preparation of the specialist. Considers the main modules of training content in the Olympiad movement, included in the individual work; shows the importance of invariant modules, introducing the laws of psychology and organization of creative activity. Gives the structure of the module content “Creative tasks” that requires participation of all students in the Olympiad movement at feasible level of complexity and creativity. Investigates the ways to improve the effectiveness of creative self-development of students using Olympiad movement. Gives recommendations on consideration of Olympiad movement in the work programs of academic disciplines.
Keywords: creative competence, self study, Olympiad movement, learning content, technology of creative training
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 69 — 74
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