The present study examines the characteristics of interpersonal communication of adolescents with mental retardation. The study found that it is difficult for adolescents with mental retardation to establish contact. In the pupils’ group they occupy lower status positions – “unpopular” and “outcast”. Teens with normal mental development do not accept their peers with mental retardation in their social circle. Most adolescents with mental retardation, as well as young people with normal mental development, have a normal level of aggressiveness. The level of hostility of adolescents with mental retardation is higher compared with their peers who have normal mental development. Adolescents with normal development, and mental retardation, have problems associated with the attitude to their father, the future and unrealized possibilities. The share of adolescents with these problems is 5–10 %. Among adolescents with mental retardation this figure is slightly higher. The results of the study suggest that adolescents with mental retardation have the peculiarities of interpersonal communication, which make their stay in pupils group difficult. Psychologists and teachers need to know the specifics of interpersonal communication of adolescent with mental retardation to provide the most comfortable and safe educational environment.
Keywords: interpersonal communication, socialization, adolescents, delayed mental development
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 26 — 30
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