Readiness for health preservation activities is defined as a personal and professional potential of the specialist who create the prerequisites for the successful implementation of professional features in terms of health preservation. Health saving competence is considered as effective orientation in task situations related to conservation (restoration) of physical, mental and social health of the client, successful experience of their solving, and perception as a means of self-fulfillment, as a factor of continuous professional self-development. Health culture of a specialist in social science is thought of as an integrative professionally significant quality, based on a certain ideology and everyday practices of health maintenance, the ability to create cultural values of health in the process of individual life activities, provide thereby their continuous personal and professional development and the optimal action in regard to the clients’ health and well-being. Considering the essence, structure and content we make a conclusion about the complementarity of the above-noted concepts and the appropriateness of their simultaneous use in the formulation of integrative goals and projected results of the professional training.
Keywords: health preservation activities, specialists in social science, professional training, results of education, health saving competence, readiness to health saving activities; health culture
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 73 — 79
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