The article deals with the issue of updating the courses in intermediate vocational institutions for the purpose of the prevention of extremists’ activity which is the result of the globalization and development of IT infrastructure. The authors point out the necessity of qualifying the students in the humanism and socially desirable behavior during the studying of the disciplines of sciences, humanities and vocational training courses. The authors pay attention to the fact that the updating according the scheme: informing – arranging – modeling – applying, allows the science educator to emphasize the extremists’ threats that lie in scientific information, the best and peaceful use of the current opportunities that the achievements of science bring as well as the prediction of the consequences of the industrial disasters. The authors underline the necessity of the multicultural accomplishment of the educators for the purpose of the creation of multicultural educational environment and refocusing of the education on the antiterrorist aspect. The fixing of the antiextremist information in the content of the teaching materials in order to prevent the extremist occurrences means that the educator should be professionally distanced, should avoid the extreme views and frame of mind.
Keywords: students of IVI, extremist, content of disciplines of a scientific cycle
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 117 — 122
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